Thursday, June 26, 2008

The newest Grupe...

Abigail Dean Grupe
Monday June 23, 2008
7 lbs 8 oz at 1:58pm
20 inches

JR and I are super excited to be an Aunt and Uncle to the newest member of the Grupe family! We went up to the hospital on Monday evening to see Angela, Kevin, and Abigail. She is adorable! I wanted to kiss her face off, but for obvious reasons I couldn't! Here are a few pictures...
Me and Abigail...(JR didn't hold her so I'll have to get one on him next time we see her!)

The Grupe Family...
Grandma (GiGi, that's for you mom) and Grandpa Grupe...
Would you expect any different faces? They are so silly!

One year already...

JR and I have now been married one year...June 23rd! What an awesome year...

The Lord is Good!

Looking back...
We have a great marriage with no fighting. Maybe disagreements...but never fights.
As we like to joke, sometimes we have to "Agree to Disagree" :)

We have a great house that has become home. It's a peaceful place to come home to everyday after a chaotic, stressful, long day! (besides the weeds that grow because we don't always have time to deal with them.)

We have a baby on they way! Only 6 more months and our lives will never be the same and we are totally excited about it!

We have become an Aunt and Uncle to my brothers baby Abigail who was born on our 1 year Anniversary, as JR says, "Perfect timing, one less date to remember!" By the way, she is adorable. I will post pictures in a little bit.

There is so much more, but I'll keep it short...


A much needed vacation...

Earlier this month we went on vacation with mom and dad Grupe and Shelley & Marge. We had an excellent, relaxing time and a much needed escape from the everyday busy life of soccer and work! We went to a timeshare in Crossville, TN (right between Knoxville and Nashville). It was only an 8 hour drive that went pretty quick!
We had an awesome townhome that was 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and is probably bigger than our house! :) Here is a picture of mom, dad, Shelley and Marge in front of the place...looks like a prom picture minus the fancy dresses...ha!

We went to Cumberland State are a few pictures from there...

We rented a boat on one of the lakes for a few hours one day...the water was 80 degrees and fabulous to swim in!
Wine Tasting at a local winery...
So now that I have organized all the pictures on this post I realize that I do not have any pictures of JR and I on vacation! whoops! Hopefully mom or Shelley have some! :)

12 week appointment...

Today was my 12 weeks doctors appointment. It was the fabulous full blown fun! Although most of the exam wasn't so exciting...I did get to hear the babies heartbeat which was amazing. When the lady found the heartbeat I was suprised how low the baby is right now. The doc said everything is looking good and very normal. Next appointment is in a month(16 weeks) and we'll find out in August if it is a boy or girl at the 20 week appointment

Fun stuff...
Oh, and I'll have pictures and other posts hopefully tonight. I have to upload the pictures from the camera to the computer!