Saturday, July 31, 2010

Beach time...

Brooklyn, Gma Rosenbaum, and I headed up to the beach. The weather was perfect and we had an absolute great time!
We ate lunch right when we got to the beach. Brooklyn ate something chocolate...

Brooklyn with her swim wings in the lake. She likes them in the pool better than the lake. The first hour at the beach was a rough one...sand, moving wasn't the pool she is used too!

It got better and we were there for 5 hours!

Brooklyn and Gma digging a hole to fill up with water!

Back in the water...Loving it! (yikes...bad picture of me!)

Brooklyn with Gma in the water...she was walking back in forth between the two of us...loving it!

Our hole progressively got bigger through the day! She was picking up rocks and bringing htem in her bucket to the hole to wash off.

Gma throwing water at Brooklyn...she thought it was hilarious and made her keep doing it!

The hole was tunneling to other holes by the end of the day and Brooklyn didn't want to leave the beach at 6:00pm! We had a GREAT day!

Friday, July 30, 2010

CHI-CA-GO Fire...

We had a fabulous outing to a Chicago Fire game with family and friends. We tailgated with Patio ribs before the game. (no pictures of pre-game...Brooklyn was high maintenance!)

Our great friends Mike, Danielle, and Liam. Brooklyn loves playing with Liam on a weekly bases. With the soccer season starting next week, we will get to see them all the time!!!

Family picture...and Brooklyn is watching the game...nice!

Fabulous family along for the great day! And yes, we changed seats part way through the game because it was HOT and these seats were in the shade!

Gpa Rosenbaum bought Brooklyn her first Chicago Fire "Sparky". She was having a blast making the dog dance!

Yum, Yum...I love coming to Fire games...I get to eat new foods!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Aquarium was a BLAST!!!

Brooklyn experience her first train ride to downtown Chicago when we went to the Aquarium with Gma Grupe and Gma Pat. Angie and Abigail rode the train from Michigan City and met us there. What a great day!!!

She enjoyed the ride! She preferred sitting forwards so she could see what was coming at her!

I love this picture. It has, 'I am cute and innocence' written all over it...and well...we know that she is cute and innocent. :)

The skyline view from the front of the Aquarium...we couldn't have picked a better day to be inside...i think it was 100 degrees that day...but sunny and gorgeous for a picture. (click on the picture to see the bigger version)

Brooklyn was in love with the turtles all day. That is all she wanted to see.

But I will admit this stingray swimming in her face was pretty awesome!

This was the dolphin, sea lion, penguin, and bald eagle show. The girls were very into it!

Too much fun!!! Nap time...

The end of the day. Some nice gentlemen took this picture for us.

I'm in love...

with my MOST WONDERFUL, MOST THOUGHTFUL husband He took me to see James Taylor and Carole King at the United Center earlier this month. He must have really got the hint on this one! It definitely helped when PBS was showing it one night when we were going to bed!!! THANK YOU PBS!!!

Great seats!!!

We could see it all and the jumbo-trons were GREAT!

There was never a bad sight because the stage rotated the entire show!!

THANK YOU JR! For being so awesome and taking me to this amazing concert!!! LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fourth of July Festivities...

Fourth of July Festivities starting on the 2nd...great fireworks, great times!

Rocky, Brooklyn, and Peg...Brooklyn is getting her glow in the dark bracelets before the show starts!

I'm cute in my new USA jacket...bought it for the world cup...good timing for the 4th.

Lovin the bracelets!

Hula Hoop now...

Now the Fourth Festivities begin at The Rosenbaums...
Bags, Washers, Golf, Lasso, swimming, and slip-n-slide...SUPER FUN!
Gma Pat, Gpa Mark, Gpa Kent, Tony, and Mark (JR & Brooklyn in the pool)

Steph, Collin, Gma Dale, and Gma Peg...

Next post with more pictures!!

Fourth of July Festivities...con'd

Fourth of July con'd

Tony, Angel, Lynn, Brooklyn, JR and Steph

Dad and JR...

Brooklyn and Liam(in the background)...

Brooklyn playing with Terry while everyone is on the boat for the fireworks. We stayed behind because Brooklyn doesn't like them. Noise or Seeing them!

Brooklyn with Terry's sunglasses on...

Hey Dad, I am in your spot...find somewhere else to sleep...hehehe!

Becca's Wedding Weekend...

We went to Virginia for 4 days for JR's cousin, Becca's wedding. We had a great time...and Brooklyn was a great little girl the entire time!
Airplane fun in our 4 hour delay!

Brooklyn's Cheesy Smile
That's a grape, they are tasty...

Family picture at the wedding...the view out the window is the Potomac River. We were at Fort Belvior.
Collin & Steph...

Peg & Kent at the wedding...

Great family weekend...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Funniest Boat Ride EVER...

Family night on Lake George...what a great time.
I don't think any of us have laughed that hard in a long time...

One casualty on the night...Collin's phone, whom Mr. Carp has taken hostage.

This picture says it all...

Two grandpa's flying their grandaughter's princess kite off the back of the boat leads to disaster! The funniest disaster EVER!

Brooklyn hanging out with Liam

My little girl is getting SO BIG!

Liam came over to hangout. Brooklyn likes to mother Liam when he is over...

As you can see she is forcing him to drink his bottle!

She'll make a great big sister someday.