Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bathroom Remodel...

We'll I have waited a long time for this bathroom remodel and it is coming right along. My dad and I started Sunday, March 7th tearing out the vanity, toilet, mirror, and lights...which didn't leave much left...tile and tub. Tuesday the 9th, JR's dad came over and we tore out all the tile in 2 hours. CAST IRON TUB being the only thing left...
So, Saturday the 13th we called in the muscle...Collin, JR's dad, My dad, and JR. These guys worked their butts off to get the tub out and get the new one in...of course, I didn't do them any favors by buying another CAST IRON Tub!
The tile guy came Tuesday the 16 & Thursday the 18th, and he'll be back again on Friday and Saturday to finish up...
So here are the pictures that take you through each of our wonderful steps of the bathroom so far!!

The original 1970's baby blue bathroom...

only thing left is the terrible tub!

Strong boys did one piece!

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