Monday, October 18, 2010

Quick Brooklyn update...

Brooklyn had a super fun filled summer! She is now 21 months old and preparing to be a big sister which means we are hoping to be potty trained by the end of March (before new sibling comes to town). She has an astonishing vocabulary! Most people think she is 3 years old...the girl is just plain smart. I often wonder if I will be smarter than a 5 year old in a few years!

She puts a smile on our face everyday and continues to amaze us with the things she does and says. I cannot believe how the time flies. Where did the last 2 years go? Where is my little baby? I now have a little toddler who thinks she will get everything her way...fortunately, she is slowing learning that's not how it works!!! And will probably continue learning that for the next 16 years. :)

Here are a few pictures from the last few months...
Brookfield Zoo...she loves Turtles, Frogs, and Monkeys...

Downtown Chicago after Aquarium visit...can she get any cuter?

Brooklyn's thoughts..."Mom, are you crazy? I am just giving George a piggy back ride."

I wear my sunglasses at night so I can see...

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